Source code for hazpy.legacy.studyregion

import os
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
import pyodbc as py
from shapely.wkt import loads
from shapely.geometry.multipolygon import MultiPolygon
from shapely.geometry.polygon import Polygon
# TODO check if all geojsons are oriented correctly; if not, apply orient
# try:
#     from shapely.ops import orient  # version >=1.7a2
# except:
#     from shapely.geometry.polygon import orient
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
import sys

[docs]class StudyRegion(): """ Creates a study region object using an existing study region in the local Hazus database Keyword Arguments: studyRegion: str -- the name of the study region """ def __init__(self, studyRegion): = studyRegion self.conn = self.createConnection() self.hazards = self.getHazardsAnalyzed()
[docs] def createConnection(self, orm='pyodbc'): """ Creates a connection object to the local Hazus SQL Server database Key Argument: orm: string -- type of connection to return (choices: 'pyodbc', 'sqlalchemy') Returns: conn: pyodbc connection """ try: comp_name = os.environ['COMPUTERNAME'] if orm == 'pyodbc': conn = py.connect('Driver=ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server;SERVER=' + comp_name + '\HAZUSPLUSSRVR; UID=SA;PWD=Gohazusplus_02') # TODO add sqlalchemy connection # if orm == 'sqlalchemy': # conn = create_engine('mssql+pyodbc://SA:Gohazusplus_02@HAZUSPLUSSRVR') # self.conn = conn return conn except: print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]) raise
[docs] def query(self, sql): """Performs a SQL query on the Hazus SQL Server database Keyword Arguments: sql: str -- a T-SQL query Returns: df: pandas dataframe """ try: df = pd.read_sql(sql, self.conn) return df except: print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]) raise
[docs] def getHazardBoundary(self): """Fetches the hazard boundary from a Hazus SQL Server database Returns: df: pandas dataframe -- geometry in WKT """ try: sql = 'SELECT Shape.STAsText() as geom from [%s].[dbo].[hzboundary]' % df = self.query(sql) return df except: print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]) raise
[docs] def getEconomicLoss(self): """ Queries the total economic loss for a study region from the local Hazus SQL Server database Returns: df: pandas dataframe -- a dataframe of economic loss """ try: sql_dict = { 'earthquake': """select Tract as tract, SUM(ISNULL(TotalLoss, 0)) as EconLoss from {s}.dbo.[eqTractEconLoss] group by [eqTractEconLoss].Tract""".format(, 'flood': """select CensusBlock as block, Sum(ISNULL(TotalLoss, 0)) as EconLoss from {s}.dbo.flFRGBSEcLossByTotal group by CensusBlock""".format(, 'hurricane': """select TRACT as tract, SUM(ISNULL(TotLoss, 0)) as EconLoss from {s}.dbo.[huSummaryLoss] group by Tract""".format(, 'tsunami': """select CensusBlock as block, SUM(ISNULL(TotalLoss, 0)) as EconLoss from {s}.dbo.tsuvResDelKTotB group by CensusBlock""".format( } df = self.query(sql_dict[self.hazards[0]]) df = StudyRegionDataFrame(self, df) return df except: print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]) raise
[docs] def getTotalEconomicLoss(self): """ Queries the total economic loss summation for a study region from the local Hazus SQL Server database Returns: totalLoss: integer -- the summation of total economic loss """ totalLoss = self.getEconomicLoss()['EconLoss'].sum() return totalLoss
[docs] def getBuildingDamageByOccupancy(self): """ Queries the building damage by occupancy type for a study region from the local Hazus SQL Server database Returns: df: pandas dataframe -- a dataframe of building damage by occupancy type """ try: sql_dict = { 'earthquake': """SELECT Occupancy, SUM(ISNULL(PDsNoneBC, 0)) As NoDamage, SUM(ISNULL(PDsSlightBC, 0)) AS Affected, SUM(ISNULL(PDsModerateBC, 0)) AS Minor, SUM(ISNULL(PDsExtensiveBC, 0)) AS Major, SUM(ISNULL(PDsCompleteBC, 0)) AS Destroyed FROM {s}.dbo.[eqTractDmg] WHERE DmgMechType = 'STR' GROUP BY Occupancy""".format(, 'flood': """SELECT SOccup AS Occupancy, SUM(ISNULL(TotalLoss, 0)) AS TotalLoss, SUM(ISNULL(BuildingLoss, 0)) AS BldgLoss, SUM(ISNULL(ContentsLoss, 0)) AS ContLoss FROM {s}.dbo.[flFRGBSEcLossBySOccup] GROUP BY SOccup""".format(, 'hurricane': """SELECT GenBldgOrGenOcc AS Occupancy, SUM(ISNULL(NonDamage, 0)) As NoDamage, SUM(ISNULL(MinDamage, 0)) AS Affected, SUM(ISNULL(ModDamage, 0)) AS Minor, SUM(ISNULL(SevDamage, 0)) AS Major, SUM(ISNULL(ComDamage, 0)) AS Destroyed FROM {s}.dbo.[huSummaryDamage] WHERE GenBldgOrGenOcc IN('COM', 'AGR', 'GOV', 'EDU', 'REL','RES', 'IND') GROUP BY GenBldgOrGenOcc""".format(, 'tsunami': """SELECT LEFT({s}.dbo.tsHazNsiGbs.NsiID, 3) As Occupancy, COUNT({s}.dbo.tsHazNsiGbs.NsiID) As Total, COUNT(CASE WHEN {s}.dbo.tsHazNsiGbs.ValStruct > 0 AND {s}.dbo.tsHazNsiGbs.ValCont > 0 AND (BldgLoss/({s}.dbo.tsHazNsiGbs.ValStruct+{s}.dbo.tsHazNsiGbs.ValCont)) <= 0.05 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) As Affected, COUNT(CASE WHEN {s}.dbo.tsHazNsiGbs.ValStruct > 0 AND {s}.dbo.tsHazNsiGbs.ValCont > 0 AND (BldgLoss/({s}.dbo.tsHazNsiGbs.ValStruct+{s}.dbo.tsHazNsiGbs.ValCont)) > 0.05 AND (BldgLoss/({s}.dbo.tsHazNsiGbs.ValStruct+{s}.dbo.tsHazNsiGbs.ValCont)) <= 0.3 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) As Minor, COUNT(CASE WHEN {s}.dbo.tsHazNsiGbs.ValStruct > 0 AND {s}.dbo.tsHazNsiGbs.ValCont > 0 AND (BldgLoss/({s}.dbo.tsHazNsiGbs.ValStruct+{s}.dbo.tsHazNsiGbs.ValCont)) > 0.3 AND (BldgLoss/({s}.dbo.tsHazNsiGbs.ValStruct+{s}.dbo.tsHazNsiGbs.ValCont)) <= 0.5 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) As Major, COUNT(CASE WHEN {s}.dbo.tsHazNsiGbs.ValStruct > 0 AND {s}.dbo.tsHazNsiGbs.ValCont > 0 AND (BldgLoss/({s}.dbo.tsHazNsiGbs.ValStruct+{s}.dbo.tsHazNsiGbs.ValCont)) > 0.5 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) As Destroyed FROM {s}.dbo.tsHazNsiGbs FULL JOIN {s}.dbo.tsNsiGbs ON {s}.dbo.tsHazNsiGbs.NsiID = {s}.dbo.tsNsiGbs.NsiID FULL JOIN [{s}].[dbo].[tsFRNsiGbs] ON {s}.dbo.tsNsiGbs.NsiID = [{s}].[dbo].[tsFRNsiGbs].NsiID WHERE {s}.dbo.tsHazNsiGbs.NsiID IS NOT NULL GROUP BY LEFT({s}.dbo.tsHazNsiGbs.NsiID, 3)""".format( } df = self.query(sql_dict[self.hazards[0]]) return df except: print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]) raise
[docs] def getBuildingDamageByType(self): """ Queries the building damage by structure type for a study region from the local Hazus SQL Server database Returns: df: pandas dataframe -- a dataframe of building damage by structure type """ try: sql_dict = { 'earthquake': """SELECT eqBldgType AS BldgType, SUM(ISNULL(PDsNoneBC, 0)) As NoDamage, SUM(ISNULL(PDsSlightBC, 0)) AS Affected, SUM(ISNULL(PDsModerateBC, 0)) AS Minor, SUM(ISNULL(PDsExtensiveBC, 0)) AS Major, SUM(ISNULL(PDsCompleteBC, 0)) AS Destroyed FROM {s}.dbo.[eqTractDmg] WHERE DmgMechType = 'STR' GROUP BY eqBldgType""".format(, 'flood': """SELECT BldgType, SUM(ISNULL(TotalLoss, 0)) AS TotalLoss, SUM(ISNULL(BuildingLoss, 0)) AS BldgLoss, SUM(ISNULL(ContentsLoss, 0)) AS ContLoss FROM {s}.dbo.[flFRGBSEcLossByGBldgType] GROUP BY BldgType""".format(, 'hurricane': """SELECT GenBldgOrGenOcc AS Occupancy, SUM(ISNULL(NonDamage, 0)) As NoDamage, SUM(ISNULL(MinDamage, 0)) AS Affected, SUM(ISNULL(ModDamage, 0)) AS Minor, SUM(ISNULL(SevDamage, 0)) AS Major, SUM(ISNULL(ComDamage, 0)) AS Destroyed FROM {s}.dbo.[huSummaryDamage] WHERE GenBldgOrGenOcc IN('CONCRETE', 'MASONRY', 'STEEL', 'WOOD', 'MH') GROUP BY GenBldgOrGenOcc""".format(, 'tsunami': """SELECT eqBldgType AS BldgType, [Description], COUNT({s}.dbo.tsHazNsiGbs.NsiID) As Structures, COUNT(CASE WHEN {s}.dbo.tsHazNsiGbs.ValStruct > 0 AND {s}.dbo.tsHazNsiGbs.ValCont > 0 AND (BldgLoss/({s}.dbo.tsHazNsiGbs.ValStruct+{s}.dbo.tsHazNsiGbs.ValCont)) <= 0.05 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) As Affected, COUNT(CASE WHEN {s}.dbo.tsHazNsiGbs.ValStruct > 0 AND {s}.dbo.tsHazNsiGbs.ValCont > 0 AND (BldgLoss/({s}.dbo.tsHazNsiGbs.ValStruct+{s}.dbo.tsHazNsiGbs.ValCont)) > 0.05 AND (BldgLoss/({s}.dbo.tsHazNsiGbs.ValStruct+{s}.dbo.tsHazNsiGbs.ValCont)) <= 0.3 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) As Minor, COUNT(CASE WHEN {s}.dbo.tsHazNsiGbs.ValStruct > 0 AND {s}.dbo.tsHazNsiGbs.ValCont > 0 AND (BldgLoss/({s}.dbo.tsHazNsiGbs.ValStruct+{s}.dbo.tsHazNsiGbs.ValCont)) > 0.3 AND (BldgLoss/({s}.dbo.tsHazNsiGbs.ValStruct+{s}.dbo.tsHazNsiGbs.ValCont)) <= 0.5 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) As Major, COUNT(CASE WHEN {s}.dbo.tsHazNsiGbs.ValStruct > 0 AND {s}.dbo.tsHazNsiGbs.ValCont > 0 AND (BldgLoss/({s}.dbo.tsHazNsiGbs.ValStruct+{s}.dbo.tsHazNsiGbs.ValCont)) > 0.5 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) As Destroyed FROM {s}.dbo.tsHazNsiGbs FULL JOIN {s}.dbo.eqclBldgType ON {s}.dbo.tsHazNsiGbs.EqBldgTypeID = {s}.dbo.eqclBldgType.DisplayOrder FULL JOIN [{s}].[dbo].[tsFRNsiGbs] ON {s}.dbo.tsHazNsiGbs.NsiID = [{s}].[dbo].[tsFRNsiGbs].NsiID WHERE EqBldgTypeID IS NOT NULL GROUP BY eqBldgType, [Description]""".format( } df = self.query(sql_dict[self.hazards[0]]) return df except: print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]) raise
def getInjuries(self): """ Queries the injuries for a study region from the local Hazus SQL Server database Returns: df: pandas dataframe -- a dataframe of injuries """ try: sql_dict = { 'earthquake': """SELECT Tract as tract, SUM(CASE WHEN CasTime = 'N' THEN Level1Injury ELSE 0 END) AS NightLevel1, SUM(CASE WHEN CasTime = 'N' THEN Level2Injury ELSE 0 END) AS NightLevel2, SUM(CASE WHEN CasTime = 'N' THEN Level3Injury ELSE 0 END) AS NiteLevel3, SUM(CASE WHEN CasTime = 'N' THEN Level1Injury ELSE 0 END) AS DayLevel1, SUM(CASE WHEN CasTime = 'D' THEN Level2Injury ELSE 0 END) AS DayLevel2, SUM(CASE WHEN CasTime = 'D' THEN Level3Injury ELSE 0 END) AS DayLevel3 FROM {s}.dbo.[eqTractCasOccup] WHERE CasTime IN ('N', 'D') AND InOutTot = 'Tot' GROUP BY Tract""".format(, 'flood': """ """.format(, 'hurricane': """ """.format(, 'tsunami': """SELECT cdf.CensusBlock as block, SUM(cdf.InjuryDayTotal) as InjuryDayFair, SUM(cdg.InjuryDayTotal) As InjuryDayGood, SUM(cdp.InjuryDayTotal) As InjuryDayPoor, SUM(cnf.InjuryNightTotal) As InjuryNightFair, SUM(cng.InjuryNightTotal) As InjuryNightGood, SUM(cnp.InjuryNightTotal) As InjuryNightPoor FROM {s}.dbo.tsCasualtyDayFair as cdf FULL JOIN {s}.dbo.tsCasualtyDayGood as cdg ON cdf.CensusBlock = cdg.CensusBlock FULL JOIN {s}.dbo.tsCasualtyDayPoor as cdp ON cdf.CensusBlock = cdp.CensusBlock FULL JOIN {s}.dbo.tsCasualtyNightFair as cnf ON cdf.CensusBlock = cnf.CensusBlock FULL JOIN {s}.dbo.tsCasualtyNightGood as cng ON cdf.CensusBlock = cng.CensusBlock FULL JOIN {s}.dbo.tsCasualtyNightPoor as cnp ON cdf.CensusBlock = cnp.CensusBlock group by cdf.CensusBlock""".format( } df = self.query(sql_dict[self.hazards[0]]) return df except: print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]) raise
[docs] def getFatalities(self): """ Queries the fatalities for a study region from the local Hazus SQL Server database Returns: df: pandas dataframe -- a dataframe of fatalities """ try: sql_dict = { 'earthquake': """SELECT Tract as tract, SUM(CASE WHEN CasTime = 'N' THEN Level4Injury ELSE 0 End) AS Night, SUM(CASE WHEN CasTime = 'D' THEN Level4Injury ELSE 0 End) AS Day FROM {s}.dbo.[eqTractCasOccup] WHERE CasTime IN ('N', 'D') AND InOutTot = 'Tot' GROUP BY Tract""".format(, 'flood': """ """.format(, 'hurricane': """ """.format(, 'tsunami': """SELECT cdf.CensusBlock as block, SUM(cdf.FatalityDayTotal) As FatalityDayFair, SUM(cdg.FatalityDayTotal) As FatalityDayGood, SUM(cdp.FatalityDayTotal) As FatalityDayPoor, SUM(cnf.FatalityNightTotal) As FatalityNightFair, SUM(cng.FatalityNightTotal) As FatalityNightGood, SUM(cnp.FatalityNightTotal) As FatalityNightPoor FROM {s}.dbo.tsCasualtyDayFair as cdf FULL JOIN {s}.dbo.tsCasualtyDayGood as cdg ON cdf.CensusBlock = cdg.CensusBlock FULL JOIN {s}.dbo.tsCasualtyDayPoor as cdp ON cdf.CensusBlock = cdp.CensusBlock FULL JOIN {s}.dbo.tsCasualtyNightFair as cnf ON cdf.CensusBlock = cnf.CensusBlock FULL JOIN {s}.dbo.tsCasualtyNightGood as cng ON cdf.CensusBlock = cng.CensusBlock FULL JOIN {s}.dbo.tsCasualtyNightPoor as cnp ON cdf.CensusBlock = cnp.CensusBlock group by cdf.CensusBlock""".format( } df = self.query(sql_dict[self.hazards[0]]) return df except: print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]) raise
[docs] def getDisplacedHouseholds(self): """ Queries the displaced households for a study region from the local Hazus SQL Server database Returns: df: pandas dataframe -- a dataframe of displaced households """ try: # TODO check to see if flood is displaced households or population -- database says pop sql_dict = { 'earthquake': """select Tract as tract, SUM(DisplacedHouseholds) as DisplacedHouseholds from {s}.dbo.eqTract group by Tract""".format(, 'flood': """select CensusBlock as block, SUM(DisplacedPop) as DisplacedHouseholds from {s}.dbo.flFRShelter group by CensusBlock""".format(, 'hurricane': """select TRACT as tract, SUM(DISPLACEDHOUSEHOLDS) as DisplacedHouseholds from {s}.dbo.huShelterResultsT group by Tract""".format(, 'tsunami': """ """.format( } df = self.query(sql_dict[self.hazards[0]]) return df except: print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]) raise
[docs] def getShelterNeeds(self): """ Queries the short term shelter needs for a study region from the local Hazus SQL Server database Returns: df: pandas dataframe -- a dataframe of short term shelter needs """ try: sql_dict = { 'earthquake': """select Tract as tract, SUM(ShortTermShelter) as ShelterNeeds from {s}.dbo.eqTract group by Tract""".format(, 'flood': """select CensusBlock as block, SUM(ShortTermNeeds) as ShelterNeeds from {s}.dbo.flFRShelter group by CensusBlock""".format(, 'hurricane': """select TRACT as tract, SUM(SHORTTERMSHELTERNEEDS) as ShelterNeeds from {s}.dbo.huShelterResultsT group by Tract """.format(, 'tsunami': """ """.format( } df = self.query(sql_dict[self.hazards[0]]) return df except: print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]) raise
[docs] def getDebris(self): """ Queries the debris for a study region from the local Hazus SQL Server database Returns: df: pandas dataframe -- a dataframe of debris """ try: sql_dict = { 'earthquake': """select Tract as tract, SUM(DebrisW) as DebrisBW, SUM(DebrisS) as DebrisCS, SUM(DebrisTotal) as DebrisTotal from {s}.dbo.eqTract group by Tract""".format(, 'flood': """select CensusBlock as block, (SUM(FinishTons) * 2000) as DebrisTotal from {s}.dbo.flFRDebris group by CensusBlock""".format(, 'hurricane': """select Tract as tract, SUM(BRICKANDWOOD) as DebrisBW, SUM(CONCRETEANDSTEEL) as DebrisCS, SUM(Tree) as DebrisTree, SUM(BRICKANDWOOD + CONCRETEANDSTEEL + Tree) as DebrisTotal from {s}.dbo.huDebrisResultsT group by Tract""".format(, 'tsunami': """ """.format( } df = self.query(sql_dict[self.hazards[0]]) return df except: print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]) raise
[docs] def getHazardsAnalyzed(self, returnType='list'): """ Queries the local Hazus SQL Server database and returns all hazards analyzed Key Argument: returnType: string -- choices: 'list', 'dict' Returns: df: pandas dataframe -- a dataframe of the hazards analyzed """ try: sql = "select * from [syHazus].[dbo].[syStudyRegion] where [RegionName] = '" + \ + "'" df = self.query(sql) hazardsDict = { 'earthquake': df['HasEqHazard'][0], 'hurricane': df['HasHuHazard'][0], 'tsunami': df['HasTsHazard'][0], 'flood': df['HasFlHazard'][0] } if returnType == 'dict': return hazardsDict if returnType == 'list': hazardsList = list( filter(lambda x: hazardsDict[x], hazardsDict)) return hazardsList except: print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]) raise
[docs] def getHazard(self): """ Queries the local Hazus SQL Server database and returns a geodataframe of the hazard Returns: df: pandas dataframe -- a dataframe of the hazard """ try: sql_dict = { 'earthquake': """SELECT Tract as tract, PGA from {s}.dbo.[eqTract]""".format(, 'flood': """ """.format(, 'hurricane': """ """.format(, 'tsunami': """ """.format( } df = self.query(sql_dict[self.hazards[0]]) return df except: print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]) raise
[docs] def getEssentialFacilities(self): """ Queries the call essential facilities for a study region in local Hazus SQL Server database Returns: df: pandas dataframe -- a dataframe of the essential facilities and damages """ try: essential_facilities = ['CareFlty', 'EmergencyCtr', 'FireStation', 'PoliceStation', 'School', 'AirportFlty', 'BusFlty', 'FerryFlty', 'HighwayBridge', 'HighwayTunnel', 'LightRailBridge', 'LightRailFlty', 'LightRailTunnel', 'PortFlty', 'RailFlty', 'RailwayBridge', 'RailwayTunnel', 'Runway', 'ElectricPowerFlty', 'CommunicationFlty', 'NaturalGasFlty', 'OilFlty', 'PotableWaterFlty', 'WasteWaterFlty', 'Dams', 'Military', 'NuclearFlty', 'HighwaySegment', 'LightRailSegment', 'RailwaySegment', 'NaturalGasPl', 'OilPl', 'WasteWaterPl', 'Levees'] sql = """SELECT CountyFips as county, CountyName as name, Shape.STAsText() AS Shape FROM {s}.dbo.hzCounty""".format( df = self.query(sql) return df except: print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]) raise
[docs]class StudyRegionDataFrame(pd.DataFrame): """ Intializes a study region dataframe class - A pandas dataframe extended with extra methods Key Argument: studyRegion: str -- the name of the study region database df: pandas dataframe -- a dataframe to extend as a StudyRegionDataFrame """ def __init__(self, studyRegion, df): super().__init__(df) try: self.studyRegion = except: self.studyRegion = studyRegion.studyRegion self.conn = studyRegion.conn self.query = studyRegion.query
[docs] def addCensusTracts(self): """ Queries the census tract geometry for a study region in local Hazus SQL Server database Returns: df: pandas dataframe -- a dataframe of the census geometry and fips codes """ try: sql = """SELECT Tract as tract, Shape.STAsText() AS Shape FROM {s}.dbo.hzTract""".format( s=self.studyRegion) df = self.query(sql) return StudyRegionDataFrame(self, df) except: print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]) raise
[docs] def addCensusBlocks(self): """ Queries the census block geometry for a study region in local Hazus SQL Server database Returns: df: pandas dataframe -- a dataframe of the census geometry and fips codes """ try: sql = """SELECT CensusBlock as block, Shape.STAsText() AS Shape FROM {s}.dbo.hzCensusBlock""".format( s=self.studyRegion) df = self.query(sql) return StudyRegionDataFrame(self, df) except: print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]) raise
[docs] def addCounties(self): """ Queries the county geometry for a study region in local Hazus SQL Server database Returns: df: pandas dataframe -- a dataframe of the census geometry and fips codes """ try: sql = """SELECT CountyFips as county, CountyName as name, Shape.STAsText() AS Shape FROM {s}.dbo.hzCounty""".format( s=self.studyRegion) df = self.query(sql) return StudyRegionDataFrame(self, df) except: print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]) raise
[docs] def addGeometry(self): """ Adds geometry to any HazusDB class dataframe with a census block, tract, or county id Key Argument: dataframe: pandas dataframe -- a HazusDB generated dataframe with a fips column named either block, tract, or county Returns: df: pandas dataframe -- a copy of the input dataframe with the geometry added """ try: if 'block' in self.columns: geomdf = self.addCensusBlocks() df = geomdf.merge(self, on='block', how='inner') df.columns = [ x if x != 'Shape' else 'geometry' for x in df.columns] return StudyRegionDataFrame(self, df) elif 'tract' in self.columns: geomdf = self.addCensusTracts() df = geomdf.merge(self, on='tract', how='inner') df.columns = [ x if x != 'Shape' else 'geometry' for x in df.columns] return StudyRegionDataFrame(self, df) elif 'county' in self.columns: geomdf = self.addCounties() df = geomdf.merge(self, on='county', how='inner') df.columns = [ x if x != 'Shape' else 'geometry' for x in df.columns] return StudyRegionDataFrame(self, df) else: print( 'Unable to find the column name block, tract, or county in the dataframe input') except: print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]) raise
[docs] def toCSV(self, path): """ Exports a StudyRegionDataFrame to a CSV Key Argument: path: str -- the output directory path, file name, and extention (example: 'C:/directory/filename.csv') """ self.to_csv(path, index=False)
[docs] def toShapefile(self, path): """ Exports a StudyRegionDataFrame to an Esri Shapefile Key Argument: path: str -- the output directory path, file name, and extention (example: 'C:/directory/filename.shp') """ try: if 'geometry' not in self.columns: self = self.addGeometry() self['geometry'] = self['geometry'].apply( lambda x: loads(x)) gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(self, geometry='geometry') gdf.to_file(path, driver='ESRI Shapefile') except: print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]) raise
[docs] def toGeoJSON(self, path): """ Exports a StudyRegionDataFrame to a web compatible GeoJSON Key Argument: path: str -- the output directory path, file name, and extention (example: 'C:/directory/filename.geojson') """ try: if 'geometry' not in self.columns: self = self.addGeometry() self['geometry'] = self['geometry'].apply(lambda x: loads(x)) gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(self, geometry='geometry') for index in range(len(gdf['geometry'])): if type(gdf['geometry'][index]) == Polygon: gdf['geometry'][index] = MultiPolygon( [gdf['geometry'][index]]) # gdf['geometry'].apply(orient, args=(1,)) gdf.to_file(path, driver='GeoJSON') except: print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]) raise
""" def essentialFacilities def transportation def agriculture def vehicles? def GBS? """